Decision Intelligence

According to Gartner, decision intelligence is becoming one of the top 12 strategic tech trends in 2022. This new business process is making it more easy and efficient for businesses to get the job done. Decision intelligence is “a practical approach to improve organization decision making” (Gartner). It uses intelligence and analytics to model each decision as a set of processes. This process helps businesses to “inform, learn from, and refine decisions” (Gartner). Not only does it help businesses, but it helps to find solutions to real world problems like poverty or unemployment. Decision intelligence not only has many advantages to the business process, like helping solve real world problems, but has disadvantages too. The main idea of this new development is that it aids in and enhances human decision making. Through augmented analytics, simulations, and AI it automates these ideas.

  • Becoming a top trend
  • easy and efficient for businesses 
  • incorporates technology and humans in decision making 
  • “inform, learn from, and refine decisions”
  • finds real world problems solutions 
  • augmented analytics, stimulations, and AI are technological decision makers

Digging deep into the meaning of decision intelligence we can ask ourselves, what exactly is a decision? A decision is coming to a resolution to a question or problem after looking at different options. According to Introduction to Decision Intelligence, ‘it’s through our decisions – our actions – that we affect the world around us”. In the business world decisions are used frequently. Making these decisions affect the future in some way so it is very important to weigh all options before coming to a final conclusion. For example, COVID has brought about many tough decisions having to be made, which decision intelligence has helped with the process. Because of new technological developments, many people use computers to help them make their decisions, but it is the human who is the ultimate decision-maker. Presently, many businesses have adopted this process of decision intelligence to improve their businesses when it comes to decision making, helping them to become successful. Decision Making focuses on outcomes and big pictures, making it different. Some people might only use AI, or might only use augmented analytics, however it is the people ultimately deciding and executing these decisions and that’s what makes it different. In other words “it connects human decision makers to technologies like machine learning, AI…”(Singh). By connecting technological decision making, like AI, and human-based decision making, it makes this process more easy and efficient, and helps to find better and innovative solutions. 

  • It is our decisions that help shape the world around us
  • decisions are what make businesses successful or unsuccessful 
  • decisions affect everyone
  • businesses use computer to help make decisions
  • humans are the real decision makers
  • combining technology and humans helps to make the best possible solutions 

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